Our Purpose & Story

An idea crafted from the need to have a clean place to rest flatware when dining out at restaurants and bars

  • Problem

    Born out of the pandemic, dining patrons have increased expectations for sanitation
    Dining tables may harbor bacteria and germs that can cause illness, and these bacteria can often be found on the very cloths used to clean tables
    Service industry professionals want something that is easy to adopt, simple to use, and cost effective
  • Solution

    FOSI (Flatware Off Surface Invention) makes the dining experience safer and more sophisticated
    A simple, yet stylish product that is easy to use, explain to the customer, and discard
    Low cost of individual unit
  • Product Overview

    Water resistant
    Recyclable and biodegradable
    Provides an opportunity for business owners to market their establishment, offer promotions, and highlight upcoming events
    Customizable to fit the needs of each business
    US Design Patent protected.
  • Elevated

    Elevated FOSI

  • Classic

    Classic FOSI

  • Playful

    Playful FOSI

  • Custom FOSI